Celebrating All Songwriters

Celebrating All Songwriters

The Tunedly Team
Songwriters often go unnoticed and without much fanfare even though they are the backbone of the music industry.

Just think about it – without songwriters, it would be unheard of to wake up with a song playing in your head. There wouldn’t be anything you could play that has sound and words that accurately connect with your feelings based on something you might be going through. No motivating lyrics to remind you that everything will be alright or that you can do whatever you set your mind to.

At the end of a long, hard day, relaxation would be limited to listening to silence instead of a soothing song. There would be no body of music or artists to tie to different phases in your life (Goth rock in your teens, for instance). Also, things like radio, TV, social media, and the Internet in general, would all be a drag, limited to news stories and mindless banter. In short, life would be dreary without people who make songs that keep the world singing and sane.

Yet, despite the fact that songwriters are essential to life itself, they often don’t get much appreciation. It’s for that reason why we thought it necessary to be a part of the creation of an official songwriter’s anthem. Written by Richard Bonnin, the “Songwriter’s Anthem” is a call-to-action and reminder to songwriters everywhere. The team had a lot of fun producing it, as well as creating the accompanying lyric video below. It’s our belief that songwriters from all walks of life will be able to relate to the underlying message that, despite what’s happening in your neck of the woods and whatever genre you specialize in, you are making a difference.

So, no matter the challenges, once you have a dream and a goal as a songwriter, keep doing everything in your power to keep it alive. Never allow the struggles of the business, the naysayers, or haters, to get you down or make you feel "less than." Instead, get up and go after what you want. Write the songs that are on your mind and in your heart. Seek out opportunities to get your songs published, and continue looking for ways to get better as a songwriter. No excuses!

Here’s your very own “Songwriter’s Anthem.” Enjoy!