Upcoming Songwriters Take Note

Upcoming Songwriters Take Note

When it comes to songwriting, there are thousands of guides out there telling you what to do.

How Some Musicians Predict the Future

How Some Musicians Predict the Future

Songwriters and musicians are no less human than the general population.

How They Did It

How They Did It

Unless music is just a hobby for you, you’re probably looking forward to getting something out of it, whether that means financial rewards, fame, or both.

Make Collaborative Songwriting a Success

Make Collaborative Songwriting a Success

Nowadays, songwriters appear to be keener on giving up personal space to share breathing room with others in order to create something special.

Time to Get Serious

Time to Get Serious

People enter the music business all the time.

Music Trends Come And Go

Music Trends Come And Go

It’s true that there is no wrong or right way to write a song.

Score with Country Music

Score with Country Music

Country music is a genre enjoyed by many people from different cultural backgrounds, and for good reason.

Keep Them Guessing

Keep Them Guessing

Good songwriters often have a lot of tricks up their sleeves so the lyrics for each of their songs don’t get predictable or monotonous.

Essential Music Quotes to Fuel Your Day

Essential Music Quotes to Fuel Your Day

With life having its various ups and downs, everyone needs positive reminders and lighthearted expressions from time to time.

A Cool Way to Switch up the Beat

A Cool Way to Switch up the Beat

Looking for ways to improve your songwriting skills? One technique you can apply is to add irregular time signatures to your songs to add depth and to make them more interesting.

Epic Events in New York for Upwardly Mobile Songwriters

Epic Events in New York for Upwardly Mobile Songwriters

Building a successful songwriting career does not happen overnight, nor is it an easy path.

Tackling Mental Health Stigma

Tackling Mental Health Stigma

Musicians and other people with mental health issues are, too often, made to feel worse about their conditions due to negative attitudes towards them from the wider society.

Telehealth to the Rescue

Telehealth to the Rescue

There is no doubt that many in the music fraternity aren’t getting timely and quality medical help, especially from a mental health perspective.

Exploring Ultrasonic Waves

Exploring Ultrasonic Waves

Love the sound of music? The ability to hear is a unique gift that allows us (well, most of us) to differentiate a wide variety of sounds, including music, speech, motion and even – ironically – silence.

Positioning for Good Singing

Positioning for Good Singing

When it comes on to vocal training, there are a number of questions floating around in the singing community.

How to Stay Hungry for Success

How to Stay Hungry for Success

Never mind becoming famous; for many people in the music business, including songwriters and musicians, just achieving their goals is hard enough.

Do These Recordings Sound Like Demos?

Do These Recordings Sound Like Demos?

Many songwriters still believe that a well-recorded demo is all that's needed to garner the attention of recording artists or music supervisors for film and TV.

Spotlight on Sia

Spotlight on Sia

Sia’s immense success as a songwriter flies in the face of everything pop stardom is about.