The Feasibility Of Releasing Physical Music

The Feasibility Of Releasing Physical Music

In the face of streaming, the question remains as to whether it is still a good idea to release physical music in 2021 - Tunedly

Retirement Planning For Songwriters

Retirement Planning For Songwriters

Every songwriter needs a solid plan to ensure they remain financially stable after retirement.

How Music Publishers Make Money

How Music Publishers Make Money

Music publishing companies play an important role in the music industry by connecting music creators with opportunities for exposure and earning related revenue.

How to Become a Songwriter in 2021

How to Become a Songwriter in 2021

Learning about the changing musical landscape and how the new normal is affecting the songwriting business is important for anyone wanting to know how to become a songwriter in 2021.

How Money Is Made In Music

How Money Is Made In Music

Examining how a song generates revenue for different stakeholders in the music business.

Music Publishing Company Overview

Music Publishing Company Overview

It has been more than a year since we launched our music publishing arm.

Spotlight on Song Demos

Spotlight on Song Demos

Creating and sharing song demos is a common practice in the music business.

Your Music On Spotify

Your Music On Spotify

Getting your music on one of .

Why Watch Songland

Why Watch Songland

It took a few years to get out of the blocks after its initial announcement but .

Nonsense in Songwriting

Nonsense in Songwriting

Nonsense might be, well, nonsense, but it does have a place in society.

Christmas in June

Christmas in June

Having read the headline, you’re probably wondering why we’re talking about Christmas.

What Song Pluggers Do

What Song Pluggers Do

The music industry has seen plenty of changes during its existence.

How You Earn Royalties

How You Earn Royalties

Do you write songs with the intention to make money from your music? In the past, we have talked about different earning options available to songwriters who don't want to perform, as well as various ways you can .

Earning Options for SingerSongwriters

Earning Options for SingerSongwriters

Let’s face it, not everyone interested in a music career is cut out to be off-the-chain stage performers.

Pros and Cons of a Music Publishing Deal

Pros and Cons of a Music Publishing Deal

In the modern music industry, there are many avenues for songwriters to .

Must-Read Legal Tips for Musicians

Must-Read Legal Tips for Musicians

A basic understanding of copyright, trademark, and contract law is recommended for artists in the music industry in order to properly protect themselves.